Saturday, August 22, 2015

OK. I haven't posted for a while..been busy having fun.

We left Maine a month ago and traveled to Mass where we visited Boston.  We stayed at Hanscon AFB and took the subway into Boston.  I was disappointed with the trolley tour we took.  We didn't get close to several on the places I wanted to see and just passed by others.  Here are a few pictures I was able to take.
This is as close as we got to the Old North Church where they hung the lanterns...the night of Paul Reveres famous ride.
We did get to see the ship, the USS Constitution, but it was in dry dock, so didn't get to board her.
We went up to the monument at Bunker Hill, but didn't climb the tower.
The only old building we got to go in was the Old State House .  One the left end is where the Boston Massacre happened.
Of course, we were in Boston, so we had to visit Cheers. 


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