Wednesday, July 22, 2015

On the East Coast

We left New York and traveled through Vermont and New Hampshire and ended up in Old Orchard Beach, Maine.  Old Orchard Beach is a very busy place since it is so close to the Boston area.  We spent 3 days there visiting the beach and Portland, Maine. 

The lighthouse is the Cape Elizabeth Light, the oldest lighthouse in Maine.  The ship is one of the tall ships that were due to come into Portland the day we left for Banger/Bar Harbor.  It was in port the day we visited Portland and this in the only shot I was able to get of it.
Next we moved to a FamCamp at Great Pond, Maine about 180 miles north of Old Orchard Beach.  We were deep in the woods back a very rough cell, no internet, no Direct TV.  We were suppose to stay 3 days, but when rain was forecast for the 3rd day, we left early.  While there we visited Bar Harbor.  I didn't get pictures since it was very overcast with some fog.  We did enjoy our day there running in and out of shops.

Monday we moved to Hanscon AFB FamCamp just outside of Lexington, MA.  Yesterday we made a trip into Boston via subway system and took a trolley tour of Boston.  The only thing I have to say about Boston is NEVER AGAIN!  We told a couple of people here in the Lexington area that we went to Boston and they said , "sorry"!  I thought we would get to see the historical sites....they are there, but getting to them via trolley is not easy....also with some many sky scrapers you can't see most of them until you are on top of them.  Learning experience.  I have decided I don't want to see Philadelphia.  Nerveless, here are the pictures I was able to get.
 This is the USS Constitution,  Old Ironsides.  It is in dry dock, so we didn't get a chance to go on board.
Bunker Hill...  The battle of Bunker Hill was fought here in June 17, 1775.  The colonists lost the battle, but at a big loss to the British.  The colonists were far out numbered but took half the number of casualties
The Old State House, built in 1713, and one of the oldest public buildings in the US.  On March 5, 1770, the Boston Massacre occurred in the front of the building, and on July 18, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was proclaimed from the balcony on the other end of the building.
The round circle is where the Boston Massacre occurred.
Of course,  we had to stop for Cheers, where everyone knows your name...but they didn't!

Today we visited Lexington and took another trolley tour of the historic Battle Road.  The famous midnight ride of Paul Revere, the first shots of the Revelution on the Lexington Battle Green and  The shot heard around the world at the North Bridge.  As a history buff, Ed and I enjoyed this tour very much.

Lexington Green and the spot where the first shots were fired.
The Minute Man statue in Lexington and the Buckman Tavern in the background where the Lexington militia gathered the night before the battle.
The North Bridge, not far from Concord where the colonists turned the British back...The Shot heard around the world. 

Tomorrow we move south to the Plymouth, MA area.



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