Sunday, August 23, 2015

Plymouth, MA

We took another day to visit Plymouth and see how the Pilgrims lived and see a replica of the Mayflower.  Another tourist area, but it still was very interesting.
                                          The pilgrims spelled Plymouth a little differently.

                                        The have an Indian village at the plantation also.
A few people were making items that the Pilgrims might have used.  This guy was out of costume.
                                                  Here is Ed walking down to the village.

                                                     This is a meeting house/"fort"??

  Very primitive interiors with dirt floors and dirt walls.  The outer walls are wood, but they packed mud on the walls on the insides for insulation.
Next we visited Plymouth Rock.  It was funny, we ask one of the clerks at the plantation where we could find Plymouth Rock and she said, " All the rocks in Plymouth are Plymouth Rocks".  LOL
They have a fence around this rock because people use to chip off pieces as souvenirs.  That's why it is not as big as it use to be!!
And of course what would a visit to Plymouth be without going on the Mayflower.  After getting on board and going below deck...I am glad I was born here in the USA and didn't have to come over like my ancestors did on ships like this in the 1600's.


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