Sunday, August 23, 2015

Finally up to date

We left West Virginia on August 14 and headed west again.  We traveled out of West Virginia, into Maryland...then back into West Virginia and out into Pennsylvania...then back into West Virginia before crossing the Ohio River into Ohio.
We are currently in Ohio....just chillin'.   We head to Cincinnati Labor Day weekend for my 50th high school reunion. 

West Virginia with Dennis & Carol

After leaving Florida, NY, we headed west where we met up with Dennis & Carol at her brothers small campground in the mountains.  We spent a week...sitting around the camp fire, drinking beer and Fireball, sharing stories and having a lot of laughs.
I didn't get very many pictures.  I was having too much fun.  You will have to visit Dennis's blog to see the pictures.

New Jersey

We left Cape Cod the 1st of August and traveled through Rhode Island into Connecticut where we spent the night before moving on to New York.  I wanted to see where Ed grew up in Wallkill, NY.  I didn't take any pictures in NY...just toured the small town as Ed told me what had changed...not much except most of the businesses had closed and the 5 bars were now down to one.  We spent 2 days in Florida, NY.  Does that count for 2 states??  Since we were only a few miles north of New Jersey, we took a side trip and drove into New Jersey to the small town of Hamburg.  I had seen on the map an interesting place to visit and read a little about this place on the Internet.  The Gingerbread Castle and Wheatworth Mill.  The mill was built in 1808.
There is a drive to raise funds to restore both these properties...hope they are successful.

State Signs

We now have been in 49 of the 50 states. The only state we missed was Delaware.  We have slept in all of them except Vermont, Rhode Island, Delaware and New Jersery, and the RV and been in all of them except Hawai and Delaware. 
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Plymouth, MA

We took another day to visit Plymouth and see how the Pilgrims lived and see a replica of the Mayflower.  Another tourist area, but it still was very interesting.
                                          The pilgrims spelled Plymouth a little differently.

                                        The have an Indian village at the plantation also.
A few people were making items that the Pilgrims might have used.  This guy was out of costume.
                                                  Here is Ed walking down to the village.

                                                     This is a meeting house/"fort"??

  Very primitive interiors with dirt floors and dirt walls.  The outer walls are wood, but they packed mud on the walls on the insides for insulation.
Next we visited Plymouth Rock.  It was funny, we ask one of the clerks at the plantation where we could find Plymouth Rock and she said, " All the rocks in Plymouth are Plymouth Rocks".  LOL
They have a fence around this rock because people use to chip off pieces as souvenirs.  That's why it is not as big as it use to be!!
And of course what would a visit to Plymouth be without going on the Mayflower.  After getting on board and going below deck...I am glad I was born here in the USA and didn't have to come over like my ancestors did on ships like this in the 1600's.


While we were still in Cape Cod, we traveled a few miles to the city of New Bedford, MA.  They have a really nice Whaling Museum we wanted to visit.  The whale skeletons below were taken from whales that died and washed up on the shore. 
They also had a scaled down whaling boat that we were able to get on board.  Very interesting how they harvested whales in the day.  After the whale was killed, they cut it up and rendered it immediately on the ship and put the oil in barrels.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Cape Cod , MA

Next we traveled to Cape Cod.  We were able to get a spot to camp on the Cape at the Coast Guard Station.   We had a nice spot with views of wild life.
We didn't enjoy the traffic getting on to the Cape.  You have to cross a bridge, the go immediately into a round about...Those people are crazy there!!!!
We spent 10 days on the Cape and took one of them to visit Provincetown.  People think the pilgrims first landed at Plymouth Rock, but they didn't.  They first landed in Provincetown and then decided to move to Plymouth.  Provincetown is at the end of a very long narrow strip of land too sandy to farm.
The tall tower you see in this picture is the Pilgrim Monument  at Procincetown.  What we found was another small tourist trap.  Very crowded with people who come out to the Cape to get away from the city.
                                                   The harbor at Provincetown.

Lexington and Concord

Since we were camping between these two quaint towns we decided to take a trolley to tour this historical area.
The Buckman Tavern is across the street from the Lexington Battle Green.  The Minute Men gathered at this maven where they waited until the British arrived from Boston.  The Green is where 1st blood
was spilt in the American Revolution.

                                                             Lexington Green

 The North Bridge in Concord where "The shot was heard around the world" happened.

OK. I haven't posted for a while..been busy having fun.

We left Maine a month ago and traveled to Mass where we visited Boston.  We stayed at Hanscon AFB and took the subway into Boston.  I was disappointed with the trolley tour we took.  We didn't get close to several on the places I wanted to see and just passed by others.  Here are a few pictures I was able to take.
This is as close as we got to the Old North Church where they hung the lanterns...the night of Paul Reveres famous ride.
We did get to see the ship, the USS Constitution, but it was in dry dock, so didn't get to board her.
We went up to the monument at Bunker Hill, but didn't climb the tower.
The only old building we got to go in was the Old State House .  One the left end is where the Boston Massacre happened.
Of course, we were in Boston, so we had to visit Cheers.