Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Seward...beach, rain, glaciers

Time to leave quaint little Seward and head to Valdez.  A short distance by water but over 400 miles by road.  We had fun here in Seward.  We did a little shopping downtown, then went to the Alaska Sea life Center.  The Center is small.  We were able to get up close to Puffins, gulls and another bird (can't remember its name) that swam under water, using its wings to propel itself through the water. 
Monday evening we took a dinner cruise on Resurrection Bay.  The Salmon and Prime rib dinner was good.  It started to rain just before getting on the boat and didn't stop until sometime during the night.  The cruise was uneventful.  Again we saw birds...birds...did I say birds?
The walls of this beach were covered with nesting gulls and if you look close at the center of the picture, you will see sea lions.  We did get to see a few dolphins swimming, but they were too fast for me to get pictures. We wanted to see whales, but ...maybe in Valdez.
Yesterday we went to the Exit Glacier.  I didn't know how it got it's name, but it sure is exiting (shrinking) at a fast pace. There were signs along the path to the glacier that showed where the glacier had been in the past.
Here are some of the pictures I took there.

Alas, we must leave our beautiful spot on the beach and the funny little sea otters that gave us a show just a few yards off the waters edge.  This is our view of the bay.
 Here are the 4 sea otters in a cluster...I think they are napping after eating and playing in the water.
Next posting will be from Valdez...hope we get to see whales!


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