Monday, July 07, 2014

Denali NP, The Mountain, MT McKinley

We are ready to leave this beautiful area, heading south.  I woke very early, and to my surprise...I can get on line.  I guess everyone else in the area is still asleep at 4am.  I must hurry and post while I can!

I saw The Mountain..Denali/MT McKinley.  At 20, 320 ft it is awesome.  It is usually covered by clouds, but the day I took the bus back to see it, just for a few minutes the clouds parted and I got to see it.
On the bus ride back this big grizzly was sleeping along side the road.  The bus driver told us that if we were very quiet and kept our hands inside the bus we could sit for a while and watch...we spent several minutes watching and taking pictures.

Before long we spotted a red fox.
There are lots and lots of moose in the park too.
And caribou too.
Oh...wait a minute, how did Nancy O'Bosky get in this picture! ?
Here is the caribou.....
Then we saw this grizzly a little further back from the bus...just relaxing.

Here Nancy and I were at the Eielson Visitor Center with Denali in the back ground.
By the time we got all the way back to Wonder Lake at mile 85 of the Park road, Denali was not to be seen...totally covered by clouds.  Oh well, we got to see it on the long drive back.  Maybe we will get to see it from a spot out of the park today. This last picture is a picture I took at Eielson Visitor Center of Denali and the sign  showing Mt McKinley.


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