Friday, May 30, 2014

2818 miles from home

Finally have wifi again, so another post. 
Woke up this morning at was light out...went back to sleep and woke again at 5:30, so got up, walked Cody and now am posting to my blog.  The wifi is only good in the laundry room at this campground in Watson Lake, Yukon so it is quiet at this time of day.  Today we will visit the famous Signpost Forest to put up our sign and the "Loosey Goosey" sign.  I will post those pictures next time I have wifi...but here is a picture of the "Forest" when we arrived yesterday.
Everyday since leaving Dawson Creek we have seen black bear, elk, moose, caribou, buffalo and even a long horned sheep.  We must have seen over 20 black bear so far...and probably close to 100 buffalo.
The views of the countryside have been fantastic too. I have taken 500 pictures so far. I wish I could post more pictures here, but the wifi is so slow, it has taken me 15 minutes to post 2 pictures so far.
I just have to post one more picture...we visited Laird Hot springs just before coming here.  We spent 2 days there and those pools were "wonderful"!!!!
Next time I post I will be in Skagway, Alaska.  Hopefully I will have my own Verizon hotspot and faster internet.  We sure are enjoying this trip!    Life is Good!


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