Friday, May 30, 2014

2818 miles from home

Finally have wifi again, so another post. 
Woke up this morning at was light out...went back to sleep and woke again at 5:30, so got up, walked Cody and now am posting to my blog.  The wifi is only good in the laundry room at this campground in Watson Lake, Yukon so it is quiet at this time of day.  Today we will visit the famous Signpost Forest to put up our sign and the "Loosey Goosey" sign.  I will post those pictures next time I have wifi...but here is a picture of the "Forest" when we arrived yesterday.
Everyday since leaving Dawson Creek we have seen black bear, elk, moose, caribou, buffalo and even a long horned sheep.  We must have seen over 20 black bear so far...and probably close to 100 buffalo.
The views of the countryside have been fantastic too. I have taken 500 pictures so far. I wish I could post more pictures here, but the wifi is so slow, it has taken me 15 minutes to post 2 pictures so far.
I just have to post one more picture...we visited Laird Hot springs just before coming here.  We spent 2 days there and those pools were "wonderful"!!!!
Next time I post I will be in Skagway, Alaska.  Hopefully I will have my own Verizon hotspot and faster internet.  We sure are enjoying this trip!    Life is Good!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Dawson Creek, BC Milepost "0" on the Alaska Highway

We made it this far....tomorrow we head north to Alaska on the famous Alaska Highway.
No's the other way......

Let the party begin

Picture stolen from Dennis Hills blog. 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

We are in Dawson Creek, BC, Canada and have wifi

We arrived in Dawson Creek this morning and finally have wifi with more than 1-2 bars.  We had a great trip north...sometimes cold...occasionally warm enough for shirt sleeves.  After leaving the Calgary, AB area we headed a little west into the Canadian Rockies.  WOW is all I can say.  The road ran through the mountains and we had spectacular views on each side of us.  We saw deer, elk and even a black bear.  Here are a few of the pictures we took.
Cody gets nervous when we drive and this is how he looks for the entire time we are moving.
Here is the black bear we saw.  He was right along the side of the road.
We visited Head Smashed In Buffalo Jump.  Quite interesting.  They have a great visitor center.
This is the only moose we have seen so far. 
Just one of the many many pictures I took of the Canadian Rockies.
We spent one very cold night boondocking at the Icefield.  This picture is of the Athabasca Glacier.
They have some interesting potato chips here in Canada.  Had to try the Maple Bacon chips...they were good, but of course anything with bacon in it must be good! 

We will be staying here in Dawson Creek area for 3 nights.  The Loosey Goosey Gang now numbers 6 rigs with 6 more at least, to pull in here in the next day or so.


Wednesday, May 14, 2014

North to Alaska

Today we break camp and head across the border into Canada.  We will be turning our cell phones off, since it cost $.89 a minute if we use them, and will be using free wi-fi whenever we find it.  Sorry no pictures today.  Everyone have a great summer..I know we will!  Hope to see lots of moose, bears, elk, bald eagles...etc...etc.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mothers Day

We woke up to SNOW this morning in Great Falls, MT.  It is 33 degrees but feels much colder.

Happy Mothers Day. 

Thursday, May 08, 2014

Malmstrom Famcamp, Great Falls, MT


Our trip north to Great Falls, Mt was a success...we are here at the Malmstrom AFB Famcamp in Great Falls, Mt.  The weather in Ogden, UT was warm when we left and Ed put shorts on...he regretted that decision about 150 miles into the trip when it started to snow.  We found out the dash heat/defroster doesn't put out near enough heat!  But all was well, the road didn't get slippery the snow didn't stay on the ground long.  We had to boondock for the night.  Our plans were to spend the night at a campground in Clark Canyon Rec. area...they were closed, so we moved on up the highway to Dillon, Mt where Dennis said there was a truck stop with 5 full hook-up sites...They were closed also, so we just pulled in and boondocked.  Yesterday morning we moved on up the was a cloudy day, but thankfully no snow.  Here are a few pictures I took along the way.

Sunday, May 04, 2014

You are what you eat

What you doin Dennis?  Those Chicken wings taste that bad?  Maybe it was that "non pregnant woman" you saw.  We enjoyed our food last night at Sizzler..I thought Dennis did too!  Who knew?

Yesterday was a great day.  Ed & I took the Jeep to Les Schwab because one of the Smart Tire sensors didn't appear to be working.  We figured it would be a $100 fix since the sensors cost over $50 each.  We were pleasantly surprised when it turned out that when we had to replace a couple of the tires, they had also replaced the spare with one of the front tires and hadn't taken the Smart Tire sensor out of the tire.  $18 later the sensor was moved and all is well.

Thursday, May 01, 2014

Orange Barrels/Construction and Snow on the mountain tops

A few miles north west of Boulder City, NV we got on I-15 heading north.  Lots of Orange Barrels and construction.  Just after we passed through the Cedar City, UT area we saw snow on the mountains.  Still more Orange Barrels and construction off and on until we got to Beaver, UT.  We pulled into the Beaver Canyon Campground about 3pm...we changed time zones and lost an hour.  We can see  snow on the tops of the mountains to the east of us and it is currently 65 degrees.

We head to Ogden, UT in the morning....where a little bird tells us it is only in the 50's...time to take off the shorts and put on jeans and sweatshirts.