Thursday, October 12, 2006

Special Shape Rodeo

This morning we enjoyed the special shaped balloons. Here are just a few of the many that went up. We were not as fortunate as yesterday morning and most of them did not fly over our camping area. I did have the opportunity to help land the panda balloon that you see in this picture. I was walking Max and when I looked up the panda balloon was coming down. They waved at me and motioned that they wanted me to come over...well, Max was looking for a "spot" and I didn't go over to the balloon immediately. Then they yelled that they needed my help (weight) to keep the balloon on the ground. I ran over ( and so did 3 other people). We held on to the balloon and "walked" it to an area large enough to safely lay it down. Fun, fun, fun! Posted by Picasa


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