Thursday, August 18, 2005

Soo Locks

We visited the Soo Locks in Sault Ste. Marie, MI yesterday. It was very interesting and fun watching 3 ships pass through the locks. There are 4 locks total, but only 2 are in service at this time. The older two locks are only 23 feet deep and not deep enough for the freight traffic of today. I took some pictures of a tour boat going through the MacArthur Lock which is the closest lock for viewing. You can visit the locks by webcam at the following web page: Today we spent the day just chilling in St. Ignace. We had to try the local "pasties". We kept seeing these signs on the highway "Best Homemade Pasties" and couldn't resist stopping in and finding out what they are. Next time you see us ask us how we liked our pasties! Life is good. Hugs, Sandy & Ed


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