Sunday, June 21, 2015

Air Force Museum in Dayton, OH

While visiting with Michele, Ed's daughter here in Dayton, we had to make another visit to this great museum.  We have been here before but it is well worth another look and even better, it is FREE.  There are 3 hugh galleries and they are in the process of building a forth.  They take you from the very early flights all the way to space flights.  Here are a few of the planes we saw.
This is a B-25.  One like it was used in the Doolittle raid on Tokyo after Pearl Harbor.
This is the actual plane, Bockscar, a B-29.  It was used to drop the atomic bomb on Nagasaki, Japan, on August 9, 1945.  It ended WWII.
Here Ed is checking out a few of the planes and helicopters used during the Viet Nam War,
This is the actual Apollo 15 Command Module, Endeavour.  It was launched on 7/26/71 and made it to orbit the moon.  Col. David Scott and Lt Col James Irwin walked on the moon and returned to earth on 8/7/71.

After visiting the Air museum, we went to see the Presidential planes.  They have Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower, and Kennedy's Air Force One planes for viewing.  They are very small compared to the ones used today.


One of the reasons we like the west...can't see anything along the way except for the....

Monday, June 01, 2015

Historic Charleston, SC

8 years ago we visited Charleston with Marg and John Dillon.  We checked out Fort Sumter and some of Charleston.  Since we were heading north we decided to stop again and take a trolly tour of the Historic district.  We saw many houses dating from the late 1600s and 1700s.
We saw cobble stone streets...
The oldest bar in Charleston...
And here is the oldest house in Charleston...sorry, not as impressive and the other ones.
And finally, Ed leaving the ride with our carriage in the background. 
Tomorrow, we take a Brew cruise tour.  Get to taste some local brew...yum.