Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cody's first hair cut

WOW, we can see Cody's eyes again. He got his first hair cut and looks really cute. His ears don't look as big now! LOL

Gunnison Gorge 4 wheeling

Well...we finally got to do some 4 wheeling today. Lots of fun. The Gunnison Gorge is just west of the Black Canyon of the Gunnison. There are several dirt jeep trails in this park, but this is the best one. Not a place to take the PT Cruiser! We even would not be able to take the Jeep if it has just rained really hard! The trail was only 7.5 miles of dirt and rock, back in to a hiking trail that goes down to the river; but we had to drive back out again so we got to do it all over again coming out. Lots of great scenery on the way in and even got to see a pack train of mules and horses coming out of the "hiking" trail down to the river.

Add ImageShare the road!!! LOL

Great views on this trip.

Owl Creek Pass

We thought we would do some 4 wheeling while we were here since we were told there were quite a few good we took the Owl Creek Pass road. Great views, as you can see in the next 2 pics, but not so much of a challenge with the 4x4. We did have fun and enjoyed the ride ...only just gravel roads. Life is good!

Black Canyon of the Gunnison

We have been in Montrose, CO for the past couple of weeks. I guess it is time I posted a few pictures of the things we have seen. The Black Canyon of the Gunnison is a National Park. It became a National Park in 1999. It is a beautiful place that has been carved by the Gunnison River during the past 2 million years. If you visit this area, you must see this place. The next few pictures were taken here.