Friday, July 18, 2008

Here he is

Isaiah's first official pictures taken today. He is 11 days old. When we can catch him awake, he is a lot of fun. We may get the chance to stay in the area a little longer than we had planned... couple nights ago, out frig decided to drop all it's coolent. We contacted someone to fix it and don't know how long that will take. Glad the kids are just around the corner...they now have most of our food in their frig.
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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Isaiah and Mommy

Isaiah with him mommy, Angie. He got got fed and life is good!
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Max and Isaiah

Max just can't figure out what his mommy has in her arms! Isaiah is a half pound bigger than Max. This is the first time that Max has seen a person this little! He just sniffed and backed away.
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Friday, July 11, 2008


I finally caught Isaiah with his eyes open. He wakes up to eat and get changed and goes back to sleep. He is 4 days old here! So cute!!! He finally stayed awake for a little while so we got to play with him a little.
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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Isaiah James

Here he tiny. But he won't stay that way for long. Isaiah James Morris, born July 7, 2008. 7 lbs 14 oz, 21 1/2 inches. Angie and baby are doing great. He is such a good baby....eats, then sleeps! Only fusses when he wants fed. Grandma Sandy is so proud!!!
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Friday, July 04, 2008

Escapees 30th Birthday Bash

The 2008 Escapade in Gillette, WY ended yesterday. We had over 1000 RV's and over 2000 people in attendance. What a great time everyone had. Today we celebrated the 4th of July with the city of Gillette, WY by entering a float in their parade. Joe and Kay Peterson rode on the float and many Escapees walked behind it. This afternoon we had a birthday party with cake and ice cream. We will BBQ with friends this evening then watch the fireworks that will be put on here at the fairgrounds. We will have ring side seats for that! Tomorrow we will get back to work taking down all the stuff that was put up for this Escapade...I hope we can do it all in a day! Then we leave here on Sunday morning heading west to Washington state to see the new grandbaby! Life is Good!!!
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