Friday, May 30, 2008

Flaming Gorge

Yesterday we traveled back into Utah to see Flaming Gorge. WOW. This is a beautiful canyon of red rock. This is another place you will want to see if you are in this area of the country. Life is Good!!!
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Fort Bridger

We traveled north to Fort Bridger, WY on Tuesday. Wednesday we visited the Fort. Jim Bridger established a small fort, blacksmith shop and supply hub along the Oregon Trail in 1843. The Mormons obtained it in the 1850's and it became a military outpost in 1858. Fort Bridger remained US Government property until 1890. After that many of the buildings were sold at public auction and moved off the fort grounds. The buildings left fell into disrepair until about 1933 when restorations efforts have been able to preserve and restore what remains of the old Fort. If you are traveling I-80, in the western part of Wy...this is worth a stop.
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Saturday, May 24, 2008

Red Canyon

We went geocaching in Red Canyon today. I climbed up this slope to find one under that arch in the red rock. Good climb and beautiful area. Life is good!!!!
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Friday, May 23, 2008

Don't eat the yellow snow

Max got his first experience with snow this morning. He didn't seem to mind it very much. We only got a couple of inches and it was gone by 8:30am. We didn't think we would run into snow going north this late in the season...who knew!!!!
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Thursday, May 22, 2008


We left Congress, AZ on Tuesday morning. Monday the temperature in the shade was 102. Today we are in Hatch, UT where the temperature at 3pm is 43 and it's SNOWING!!! We have more snow forecast for tonight and tomorrow. Freaky weather, but life is still good....even in the snow! lol
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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Saguaro in bloom

Finally I stayed long enough in the desert to see the saguaros bloom. This one sits at the entrance to the SKP North Ranch Rainbow Park. I had to catch them in bloom since the blossoms close up at night.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

North Ranch cactus

More pictures of cactus at North Ranch. I hope the saguaros bloom before we leave here. They have lots of buds on them but no bloom yet.

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Monday, May 12, 2008

Spring in the desert

Well, we are still here in the desert and we finally got to see the cactus bloom. It has been beautiful with all the trees and cactus blooming, but the temperature is starting to get a little warm. It won't be long before we head north for the summer.

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