Thursday, November 23, 2006

Back in Arizona

We are back on our lot at North Ranch...Congress, AZ. We will be here for the next several weeks. We enjoyed a great Thanksgiving dinner with our Escapee friends. There were 168 people for dinner. Turkey and gravy was furnished by the park and everyone brought a dish to share with the people at their table. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Trail Riders arrive in Death Valley

After their 125 mile ride in 1/2 days, the 85 riders arrive at Furnace Creek in Death Valley. They were all in very good spirits and looked like they were enjoying themselves. Posted by Picasa


The band "Chaparral" entertained us while we waited for the Wagon Train and the horses to come in from the train. The wagon train traveled 110 miles and the horses traveled 125 miles o get here in the past 5 days. Posted by Picasa

Watching the wagon train come in

Here we are with our friends Jim, Cheryl, Reed, Nancy and Delanie...watching the wagon train come in. Great Fun! Posted by Picasa

Covered Wagon

It was great to see a real old-time covered wagon arrive with the wagon train. All the other wagons had modern wheels. Posted by Picasa

Waiting for the Wagon Train

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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Corky's Birthday Party

We are in Death Valley attending the Death Valley 49er Days Annual rally. Tonight we are celebrating Corky Buck's 90th birthday. Corky has been coming here to Death Valley for more years than I care to mention. She has no intentions of stop enjoying the beautiful outdoors and the RV lifestyle. She is planning, Lord willing, to be back here next year. In this picture L-R: Nancy O'Bosky, Reed O'Bosky (Nancy's 2yr old grandson), Ed Pulson, Corky Buck, Steve O'Bosky, Cheryl Cuccia and Jim Cuccia. There are 18 of us gathered here this year to enjoy the warm weather, hot springs swimming pool, music every night and enjoying the weatern atmosphere. Posted by Picasa