Friday, March 31, 2006

Cowboys on the Range

Took this picture north of Pecos, TX Posted by Picasa

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Ch 23 Rally in Hobbs, NM

We are just finishing our duties as VCR's for Escapees Ch 23 Rally here in Hobbs, NM. We showed up on Monday and that same night the a carnival troop showed up. We watched all week as they set up their rides. The rally ends tomorrow morning and the carnival started tonight. We are glad we won't be here this weekend! We had 23 rigs show up for the rally. Quite a turnout! Lots of fun, even though we had a thunderstorm Tuesday evening and high winds today. Tomorrow morning we head for Pecos, Tx for a few days. Keep movin' like a shark and enjoying sights! Life is good! Posted by Picasa

Dust Storm

We had a dust storm here in Hobbs, NM today...we had the door open since the wind was coming from the other direction and the wind wasn't coming in the rig. We were wrong! Red dust all over the rig...get the vacuum out! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, March 26, 2006

We are "On the move again"

We left North Ranch on Friday 3/24 heading for Hobbs, NM to an Escapees Ch 23 rally (we are the VCR's). We are taking 4 days to get there. The first night we stopped at the Davis Monthan Air Force Base Famcamp in Tucson, AZ were we boondocked for the night. Saturday night we stayed at the Dream Catcher SKP park in Deming, NM. Tonight we are staying at an RV park in Carlsbad, NM, and tomorrow we will be in Hobbs, NM. After the rally, we will head for Pecos, TX for a day of so before heading back to Chico, CA and the Escapees Spring Escapade. Life is Good!

Guadalupe Mountains

We traveled along Hwy 62/180 in southwest Texas. We saw flat...flat land, then salt flats....and these mountains. Parts of this country are beautiful. Even the desert can be awesome. Posted by Picasa

Salt Flats in southwest Texas

We drove by these salt flats on Hwy 62/180 just west of Guadalupe Mts. in Texas. Salt on both sides of the road...acres and acres of it. Posted by Picasa

Southwest Texas

This is what parts of the backroads of southwest Texas looks like. We traveled this 2 lane from El Paso, TX to Carlsbad, NM. Posted by Picasa

Ostrich Ranch

We saw this Ostrich Ranch off the I-10 just west of Tucson. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, March 12, 2006

We got SNOW

We are here at North Ranch, Congress, AZ. It rained yesterday and last night and we got SNOW...on the mountains behind us. We only have to drive a few miles and we would be in IT...but we don't want to do that!! It has been cold here, but it is expected to warm up in the next few days and we will be back to normal winter southern Arizona weather. We will be sure happy about that. Just don't like the cold anymore. Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 06, 2006

Beautiful Arizona Sunset

We are back in Arizona. We will be at our lot in North Ranch for about the next 3 weeks. We got our stuff moved from our storage locker into our shed here. Now we will start weeding out and getting rid of things that we should have discarded 2 years ago. Posted by Picasa