Friday, January 27, 2006

Quartzsite, AZ

Every January this tiny town of less than 1000 people grows to well over 100,000 people. The traffic becomes gridlock on the 2 main roads in town with everyone trying to find a parking space so they can enjoy the shopping. And shopping there is!!! Rice Ranch, Prospector Panarama, Tyson Wells, Main Event, Desert Gardens, Big Tent and many smaller shopping areas that spring up all over town. You can shop for T-shirts, hats, coats, belts, socks, pots & pans, tools, jewelry, gems & rocks, prospecting tools, RV supplies, solar panels, new and used RV's, knick-knacks and just plain junk. You also can shop for books at the famous Book Store on Main Street and buy your books from the nude owner. Most of us temporary Quartzsite residents reside out in the desert. There is plent of BLM land that we can stay on....just park it anywhere...but no electric, no water, and no dump. Pack it in, pack it out! While shopping, we enjoy people watching. Some of the desert prospector types show up along with some interesting local "color". Check out Quartzsite on the web. They have more info and picture to check out. We enjoy coming here in January. We have been here off and on since the end of December, but in a couple of days we will move on. We have seen and done almost everything we can.... Life is Good!


Sunset in the desert. Quartzsite, AZ Posted by Picasa

Enjoying potluck dinner

Ed just finished a great potluck dinner and is sitting back relaxing with his "Montana Hat on" Posted by Picasa

Potluck dinner with the ELK BOF SKP's

We are here with the Escapee ELK BOF group. We had a potluck dinner Sunday. The food was delicious and the company was great. Posted by Picasa

Do you know this character?

Ed had this hat custom made. Now his nickname is Montana. Posted by Picasa

Around the Campfire in the desert

We have enjoyed many nights sitting around the campfire with our SKP friends here at Quartzsite...telling tall tales, enjoy jokes and good fellowship. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, January 12, 2006

SKP Ch 21 Rally in Gila Bend, AZ

Everyone is enjoying a fun game of ladder golf here at the winter Ch 21 rally in Gila Bend, AZ. We have been boondocking at the Elks. The weather has been great. Tonight we had a steak and chicken dinner at the Elks and tomorrow morning we will break camp. We will be heading back to Quartzsite. We will hang out for a few days before heading for the Elks BOF Rally and then the RV show. We plan on staying in Quartzsite till the end of the month before heading back to North Ranch. Life if good....hope the warm weather stays! Hugs, Sandy & Ed Posted by Picasa

Chapte 21 Rally, Gila Bend, AZ

If you look close, you will see the nose of our motorhome at the far left of this picture. We are enjoying the warm days (in the 70's) and the great SKP's fellowship here at the rally. Posted by Picasa

Charter 21 Rally, Gila Bend, AZ

Here they are setting up the ladder golf game at the rally. Posted by Picasa

Monday, January 09, 2006

Our Lot at North Ranch

We just closed escrow on this piece of property at the SKP North Ranch, Congress, AZ. We now have a place to sit for awhile if we want to do so. We also have a home for our stuff that we have in storage. Our neighbors are really great friendly people. Wind Spriit Lane is known as the party street and we fit in. We have already been to 3 of their Happy Hours. We will be leaving here tomorrow to go to Gila Bend to a Ch 21 Rally, then back to Quartzsite for the rest of January. We will come back here for a couple of weeks in Feb. Life if Good. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Sunset in the desert

Couldn't resist putting the beautiful sunset picture on the blog. It has looked like this for the past several nights. Love these sunsets!! Posted by Picasa

Here we are at Dome Rock just outside of Quartzsite

We are back in the desert again. We are here along Dome Rock Road just outside Quartzsite. We are here with friends, John, Marge, Don, Shirley, Ralph and Debbie. Life is good! Posted by Picasa

Yucca Mountains in Nevada

We spend a couple of days here in Pahrump, NV at the Pair-A-Dice RV park. This was our view of the Yucca Mountains. Pahrump is just 50 miles north of Las Vegas. Posted by Picasa