Friday, December 23, 2005

Merry Christmas

Ed is putting up the Christmas lights. We will be here at the hot springs resort in Tacopa, CA till 12/26. Christmas with friends and natural hot springs! Life is good! Hugs, Sandy & Ed Posted by Picasa

Christmas in the Desert 2005

Nancy and Duke, walking back to the RV resort, from the desert hot springs that you will see in the next picture. Posted by Picasa

Hot Springs at Tacopa

We are here in Tacopa, CA. We decided to take a hike in the desert behind the RV Resort to a palm tree that we saw in the distance. When we got there this is the hot springs we found. It is on BLM land. While we were checking it out, a man drove up in his jeep and told us that this free hot spring had been closed and there would be a $1000 fine if anyone was caught going in to it. No problem for us since the RV resort where we are staying has 4 nice hot tubs with natural hot spring water flowing through them and they are clean!!! Posted by Picasa

Borax Visitors Center

Here is Steve and Ed looking at a 20 Mule Team wagon. We didn't get a chance to go into the plant to see the actual process, but the visitors center was very interesting. We were able to look down into the huge mine. They had a video and many displays showing the process for the extraction of the boron and its many uses. Very interesting. We were glad we stopped to check this out. Posted by Picasa

"Camping" just west of Boron

In all the years we have traveled Hwy 58 on our way out to the desert in Nevada and Arizona, we have passed Boron, CA and the Borax works. We finally decided to stop here for the night and visit the Borax Works. We found this really nice wide spot in the road to spend the night of 12/21. FREE camping...Life is GOOD! Posted by Picasa

Leaving Visalia

It's 12/21/05 and we are leaving Visalia, the cold, the fog and the beautiful Sierra Mtn range in the distance. Warm desert, here we come! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Our "adopted" home in Foggy Visalia

Here we are again at the O'Bosky's ranch in foggy Tulare county. We sure are glad we traveled yesterday. Sure wouldn't want to have to drive in this thick pea soup! Ed has a few more projects to do for Steve and a few things to work do to our motorhome, then we will leave here and travel with Steve and Nancy back to the desert somewhere in Nevada/California/Arizona area (around Las Vegas). We plan to stay there for Christmas. I will take pictures and put on the blog of our Christmas in the desert. Merry Christmas to you all. Hugs, Sandy & Ed Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

We are in the Gold Country

It has been a while since I posted. We have been to a Chapter 1 rally in Los Banos for the week of Thanksgiving. This past week we spent in Visalia with Steve & Nancyat the ranch (pictures posted of their place last spring). Now we are at an Escapees Chapter 38 rally in Plymouth, CA. Plymouth is north east of San Francisco. It is on SR 49 a few miles north of Sutter Creek, CA. Today we went wine touring...3 wineries and tasted some good wines and some not so good. I wanted to take pictures today but it has been raining all day and not ideal picture taking weather.