Friday, January 28, 2005

We are still at North Ranch

Hi. We will probably leave here tomorrow if it is not raining....if it does we will leave Sunday. We went into Wickenburg today and walked around the "downtown" area. The buildings date back to the late 1800's to the early 1900's. Wickenburg was named after Henry Wickenburg a gold miner who discovered the Vulture Mine where over $30 million in gold has been dug from the ground. It became a town in 1863. It still have a Western town flair. Population 10,000. Mediun temp. 66.8, average precipitation 10.77", elevation 2,100'. 1 hr to Phoenix, 1 hr to Prescott, 5 hrs to Grand Canyon, 8 hrs to Los Angeles, 4.75 hrs to Las Vegas, 5 hrs to Mexico.

If you look really close you can see the birds in some of the holes in this cactus. This is the top of Methuselah, a saguaros cactus at North Ranch, and Escapee park in Congress, AZ Posted by Hello

How did he do that??? Posted by Hello

Methuselah, over 400 yrs old Posted by Hello

Methuselah, one of the Oldest Sagauros in the state of Arizona. Posted by Hello

Marge & Sandy in front of "Methuselah" Posted by Hello

Thursday, January 27, 2005

We are at North Ranch/Escapees Park

Hi. We are here at North Ranch, Congreww, AZ. We will probably be here for a few days. We visited Wickenburg, AZ today and drove north up Hwy 89 to Yarnell. Really pretty drive. If we would have stayed on 89 we would have gotten to Prescot. Maybe another day.

North Ranch, Congress, AZ. This is a view from our front window. Posted by Hello

View of Hwy 89 above Congress, AZ Posted by Hello

View of Congress area Hwy 89. Arizona Posted by Hello

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Time to hitch up and leave Quartzsite

We we have been here for 3 weeks and it is time to move on down the road. Tomorrow morning we will say our good-byes and leave this area. We will be traveling to Wickenburg/Congress area of AZ. Hope to spend a few days there. We spent a few hours in Wickenburg a couple of years ago and said that we wanted to go back a spend a few days. It is a really cute "cowboy" western town. Happy Trails, Sandy & Ed

Ed's new look! Don't know how long that beard is going to last! lol Posted by Hello

Happy hour with our new Canadian Friends. Posted by Hello

Beautiful picture in the desert outside Quartzsite, AZ Jan. 25, 2005 Posted by Hello

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Still in Quartzsite

Hi. We are still having fun in the desert. We will probably be in this area for another week. Then we plan on traveling on to Wickenbury/Congress, AZ to check out that area. LIFE IS GOOD!!!

I saw this "homestead" in Quartzsite. Thought it was interesting. Posted by Hello

That's Ed in the blue shirt and white hat in the background. 1/18/05. Yes he has a beard now!!! Posted by Hello

Campfire with friends in the desert 1/18/05 Posted by Hello

Hot Air ballon over Quartzsite 1/15/05 Posted by Hello

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Life at Dome Rock Road, Quartzsite

Hi. Still no rain. Life is Good! Had a campfire last night, ate supper around the campfire with our friends. Today and the next couple of days it's suppost to rain, but we haven't seen any yet. Hope it stays north of us. It is 4:30pm and the temp is 64 outside! It has been overcast today, so need the generator to watch the football game and get on line. Solor doesn't work as well when the clouds are here! Stay safe, dry & warm! Hugs, Sandy & Ed

Sunset in the desert 1/05 Posted by Hello

Life is Good at Dome Rock Road, Quartzsite, AZ Posted by Hello

Sunset in the desert. Posted by Hello

Friends in the desert Posted by Hello

Ed is helping Steve set up his wind generation machine. Hope it works! Posted by Hello

Wednesday, January 05, 2005


Hi. We are here at Quartzsite, AZ....Dome Rock Rd. Beautiful area with fantastic views. It has rained a lot so the desert is "green"! Took some great pics on the way here. San Bernardino Mts. have a lot of snow. This is as close as we like to get to it now! Hugs, Sandy & Ed

San Bernnardino Mts., 1/5/05 Posted by Hello

Dome Rock Posted by Hello

"Pete's Draggin'" with Quartzsite in the background. 1/5/05 Posted by Hello

View from our window at Dome Rock, Quartzsite, AZ 1/5/05 Posted by Hello

Tuesday, January 04, 2005


Greetings. It is 1/04/05. Tomorrow we finally have a break in the rains and will be leaving Lake Elsinore and traveling to Quartzsite, AZ. I will publish pictures of the Arizona desert after we have had time to set up and visit the area. I have been told that with all the rain that the southwest has had that the desert is "green" right now. If this is true you will get to see what a "green" desert looks like. Hugs, Sandy & Ed

Saturday, January 01, 2005

Happy New Year 2005

Greetings from Ed & Sandy. We wish you all a wonderful 2005. Here it is 1:01am 1/1/05. We spent the past several hours with friends here at Lake Elsinore, CA. We will be staying in the area until Tuesday 1/4/05. It has been raining here all week, but that is ok, we need the rain. We thank God that we are here in this wonderful USA! God Bless America!

Happy New Year 2005! Posted by Hello