Saturday, June 10, 2017

North to Alaska 2017

We headed north to Alaska May 31.  We are playing tour guide to friends of ours who haven't been to Alaska yet.  We have been seeing the same sites we visited in 2014.  Columbia Ice Fields, Grand Cache, Dawson Creek, Liards Hot Springs and now Watson Lake.  Since I had pictures of those places and posted them in 2014, here are some pictures of the animals we have seen.

Last but not least...these 2 animals checking out the sign we put up in 2014 and adding 2017 to the sign.  Should be in Alaska on 6/15.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Riding Fins & Things 4x4 trail in Moab and checking our dinasaur tracks & bones

After the first 2 days at Moab, how could it get more exciting...but it did when we took 9 Jeeps and a Suzuki on the difficult Fins & Things run.  Then the last day of the rally, we went to see Dinosaur tracks and bones sticking our of the rock.  Lots of fun was had by all.
11 in all started 8 finished

up hill

down hill


Dino in the rock

like a very slow roller coaster

Dinosaur tracks
Dinosaur bone
Dinosaur bones
Balancing rock in Arches NP
Delicate Arch

Time to start-up our blog again.

2017 finds us well and happy.  We started our summer travels by co-hosting an Escapees HOP in Moab, UT.  We had a great time leading Jeeps and a couple of other 4x4's on trails.  We also rafted the Colorado river.  Here are pictures of the first couple of days.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Still on the Oregon Coast

We have spent a lazy summer slowly traveling Hwy 101 along the Oregon coast.  The weather has been cool.  Some days like today it's been sunny, many days it has been cloudy with drizzle. No mater the weather, the views have been beautiful.  Here are some more  pictures along the coast of OR.
In Pacific City we even drove the Jeep on the beach.

On our way north, we drove through the small town of Gaibaldi.  We discovered we were the lead-in to their parade.  We got silly and waved to everyone as we drove by. 

Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Oregon Coast and Roosevelt Elk

This weekend we took a drive north to Gold Beach.  The weather has been great...foggy in the morning with the fog burning off about 10am.  Temps have been in the high 60's low 70's.  We are enjoying our time here on the coast.

Today we took a drive south on Hwy 101 to see if we could find the Roosevelt Elk south of Crescent City.  The first place we looked we found a few.
We found these few at Prairie Creek Redwood SP.
Then we traveled further south to Davidson Rd where we have seen the herd in the past...but they were not there, so thinking we would not get to see them this year, we headed north again.  A little ways up the road Ed looked to the left in a Resort and..........

Life is Good!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Hwy 101...the Redwood Highway

On  May 25, we traveled north on Hwy 101 to see the Giant Redwoods.  We spent our first night at the Elks in Ukiah, then on to Eureka where we will spent a week...maybe more.  Going through the Giant Redwoods is always a thrill.  I think it was the first time for the guy in front of us.
Yesterday we drove the Avenue of the Giants.  It is amazing to see those 1000+ year old trees.
If you look at Ed (far right in the picture) at 6' 3" he is dwarfed by this massive tree that fell.
Of course, Ed had to drive through this one....just because he could!  LOL

On the road again in 2016

We spend the winter playing in the desert of Arizona and I don't have time to write a blog!  Well this is only part true.  I have the time, just don't want to and this blog is about our travels.

We hit the road again on May 14 and headed to sunny Northern California to visit with two of our grown kids, Robert and Lynn.  They live in the bay area, San Jose and Oakland, so we tried to stay at the Fremont Elk's Lodge but the campground was full.  We had to travel north to Vallejo to the now closed Elk's lodge.  Even though the lodge can't afford to keep the lights on, they still keep the 8 campsites open.  The land if for sale and when it sells, they plan on finding a smaller place to re-open the lodge.  Anyway, we stayed in Vallejo for a week while visiting the bay area.

We toured the Jelly Belly Factory and went to Old Town Sacramento one day.  We visited San Francisco, where we visited the California Academy of Sciences, the Japanese Tea Garden and Fisherman's Wharf.  Then another day we drove down to Monterey to see the Aquarium.  Rob wanted to do more, but us old people needed a break!  Here are a few pictures.
Daughter Lynn.
Son Robert...he doesn't like his picture taken.
Japanese Tea Garden.

Monterey Bay Aquarium.